February 19, 2025

Leaseholder Association Pt 2 (Originally headlined: I don’t like our RTM, but what can I do?)

This article initially addressed this reader’s question (below), but evolved into an extended discussion of the Leaseholder Association again. This was the initiative of the Leaseholder Association itself, with replies from website readers, rather than of Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation. Hopefully discussion of the Leaseholder Association can now cease until there is something of relevance […]

London and Quadrant resident seeks contact with others

This today to Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation:   My partner and I live in a block managed by L & Q (London and Quadrant). We are concerned that our management service costs are escalating at a rate far beyond inflation each year. Concerns raised by the residents here are very, very slow to be […]

Ground rent doubled on mum’s flat

Q: My sister and I inherited Mum’s flat in Poplar Court, St Anne’s, Lancashire at the beginning of 2013. I noticed a large increase in the ground rent just before Mum died when it jumped from £250 pa to £527.17 pa (111% increase), which is very high when compared with the £60 pa ground rent […]

Tell us more about Grange Property Management

From a reader: When is someone going to look into Grange Property Management? They take ALL of any pension increase year on year. There are 70 flats at Bexhill. £207 pm:   £47 increase in three years. There are 70 flats, several two-bed flats which pay more. It doesn’t take a genius to work out their […]

I have refused to pay sublet fees, and now face debt recovery

Dear Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation, I am a leaseholder of a Peverel-managed flat in Sussex and incurred sublet fees with a new tenant in June 2012. Having previously paid £626 for a sublet fee for the previous tenant, I refused to pay them any more and emailed them about this in August 2012 and […]

House manager costs rise nine per cent at Anchor

Any assistance for this reader? I live in an Anchor Leasehold apartment, and our budget for next year has just been submitted to us residents. Our Estate Managers costs have risen by 9%, and on asking why we have been told that it is due to the requirement of the estate manager having a free apartment and […]

How can I stop noisy building work going on upstairs?

The problem has been very noisy works in flat directly above mine. I was resting in my living room, and then appalling noise from what sounded like circular saw, very loud repeated banging from hammer, and drilling. I was given no warning beforehand; apparently the staff of this establishment were not informed either, and permission […]

Any tips when renting a retirement flat (as we don’t want to buy a third!)

From Stella: My 90-year-old mother is desperate to move from her retirement leasehold flat to one nearer me. This would be her third Peverel flat: selling the first was a nightmare and selling the current (second) one looks set to go the same way, so I’m hoping to persuade her to rent the third! I […]

‘Another £40 to Tchenguiz for selling my dad’s retirement leasehold flat’

For the Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation readership We recently sold my fathers McCarthy and Stone flat. One of the problems we came up against was we had to prove that the Ground Rent was paid to Estates & Management so we requested a receipt for the last payment we made. They sent a letter […]

Just how much can a freeholder charge on a flat sale?

Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation applies to the wisdom of crowds on this one, being clueless on the issue. What is a reasonable fee for a freeholder to charge in processing a flat sale? In this housing association there may be procedures to confirm suitability of a purchaser for this type of housing. £250 all […]

How can we avoid paying one per cent on renting out our retirement leasehold flat?

My father has now moved into care.  We are hoping to let his leasehold flat out as selling is very hard! It seems there is a clause in the contract which says that we have to pay Peverel 1% of whatever they value it as if we want to let to another tenant. This seems […]

Our management fees have gone up 21 per cent. What can we do?

I am the chair of a residents association at a Peverel site that is 43 flats and 20 years old next year. We have a long running battle over Peverel’s management fees which for this financial year 2013/14 is £16,468 on top of all other costs in the service charge. Our research indicates that the fee […]