Today the Sunday Times has run an article on retirement leasehold, featuring issues at Elim Court in Plymouth.
This site is involved in a marathon right to manage application against freeholder Avon Freeholds, owned by Israel Moskovitz. It is managed by Moskovitz’s business partner Joseph Gurvits, of Y and Y Management, which is a member of ARMA.
The Sunday Times is eager to hear from residents in retirement leasehold who have “been the victim of property mismanagement”:
The troubled foray into retirement property management at three sites in the West Country of Moskovitz and Gurvits, who operate out of Edgware in north London, is extensively reported on this site. More here
Elim Court is seeking right to manage; Regent Court has achieved right to manage after two years and every conceivable legal manoeuvre to delay the process by Moskovitz; and Milton House in Newton Abbot is beginning the process.
There is no clearer example of why retirement leasehold complexes should be built with a residents’ management company than these sites.
It is saddening to see people in their 80s and 90s having to be involved in two years of litigation, with endless frustrations and stress, because the law allows a freeholder to play the system.
Moskovitz’s financial stake as the freeholder in these sites is minimal compared with the value of all the leases of the flats.
The freeholds came up for sale in 2010. The residents should have exercised their right to buy it.
The message is: Always, ALWAYS buy the freehold. Otherwise someone else will, and you will dance to their tune.
Everyone should SHARE this article on Campaign against retirement leasehold with their Facebook/Twitter and Email contacts…. we should all be more active in spreading the word about leasehold issues…..
Hi Karen
Lpc living in Manchester are dragging there feet
In organising an AGM for leasholders
Simon ashdown managing director unsupportive but give a great lip service
Yours is a case that be a very good example which will be put to the DCLG who will (hopefully) add this company to the extremely long list of non compliant managing agents.
Far be it from me to appear to be pedantic, but for the sake of accuracy the correct spelling is EDGWARE.
Otherwise very well done to all concerned!
Dear Michael,
Thank you as ever,
S, Me, Karen, Stephen,
I have sent an email to
Explaining the many areas that Peverel Management Services trading as Peverel Retirement have treated us pensioners/leaseholders/customers/victims since 2006 when I first moved to a Peverel Development in Shropshire.
We at ABC have been cheated and mistreated by Peverel Retirement in the following methods used by Peverel Retirement – Peverel Group and Peverel Management Services Ltd as follows:-
1. 2006/07 Refusal of Insurance Claims
2. 2007/08 Price Fixing for Warden Call System
3. 2006/13 Incomplete Expense’s Files
4. 2000/13 Excessive Insurance Commissions
5. 2009/13 Misuse of Service Charges
6. 2006/14 Failures of Peverel Senior Management
7. 2008/09 False Insurance Claim made by Area Manager
8. 2006/13 Training Costs for Managers
9. 2006/14 Communications
Can any other resident add to this list or has all these happening only occurred at Ashbrook Court?
It is very unlike you to miss so much off the list!
How about the use of debt collection agencies, when an account is in dispute?
Arbitary charges imposed by Peverel, that are designed to make profit, rather than cover expenses?
What about questionable leases on house managers flats and subsequent loans taken out secured against their value?
The offers of “contributions” to service charge accounts in return for ending live in house managers?
The use of house managers by Retirement Homesearch?
ME, You are correct I was hoping other would add to the list, so thank you?
10. The use of Debt Collectors is one that my old neighbours had been threatened with.
11. Imposed charges by Peverel Retirement for standing up for rights.
13. Freeholders can borrow money on our Ground Rent, Exit Fees, Payments for undertaking improvements and fees if you rent out your flat, from 1% per tenant.
14. Pay £10,000 into Service Charges if they can sell the Wardens Flat, only if they are the Freeholder?.
15. The House Manager are expected to help sell the flats, Area/Regional Manager receive Commissions.
Any more friends
Dear Mr Epstein
Could you please contact me as I am in dispute as we speak with regards your comments on `house manager`s flats` and service charge accounts. I would appreciate any input in helping fight my on-going dispute with the Tribunal.
With thanks
we live in a leased apartment andwith ofher resident would like to change the manegment firm,as we think they are overcharging all of us. is this possble.
mr a.ruse
It is possible ask Sebastian for my contact email details.
ME, I am sorry I let you down it has been a long month and I had hoped for someone to expand on each item.
I am now revived and will expand on those items where the commenters have contacted me.
Can we prevent our MA selling the Warden Flat.?
Why do we pay the Council Tax for our Wardens Flat?
If we were informed incorrectly that we were purchased by Chamonix and Electra what can we do?
Our Area Manager visited our development with out notifying us, does this happen elsewhere?
We have not had the lighting changed since the clocks went forward, so they now turn off at 13.25, does this happen at other developments?
We have been informed that we will have an office built, this was over 14 month ago, and no sign of the work starting?
I was burgled on the 8 January and with the promise of CTV to be installed I am still waiting!! Peveral really do not care!!!
Jenny, sorry to hear you were burgled, was it a break in or do you think it was an inside job?
Peverel Retirement have always closed the door after the horse, but why was CCT needed in the first place?
Peverel have never showed they care, they have allowed their mangers to be involved in:-
1. Price Fixing
2. Excessive Commissions
3. Insurance Scams
4. Excessive Management Costs
5. Failure to check invoices in Expense’s Files
6. Failure to weed out invoices for other developments
7. Refuse to compensate developments completely, when they have aired
8. They charge over £12,000 a year for 4 agreed visits and 2 sneak visits
9. They refuse to except that their managers are over worked and as a result under perform
10. When challenged they refuse to answer questions and state that the question is above their pay scale
So Jenny, let us know what else they have or have not done?