February 8, 2025

Here is the shortlist of the EAC (Elderly Accommodation Counsel) awards

EACcardgameCampaign against retirement leasehold exploitation would very keen to hear views from residents regarding the EAC awards: whether they were merited and comments regarding the selection of the winners.

The process involves playing a kind of card game (above, click to read) to select the shortlist, which may well be a fun way of doing this kind of thing and very inclusive.

If so, full marks to the EAC for organising them … but, sadly, one has reason to be suspicious of the marketing initiatives behind so much in retirement leasehold.

You know, these sorts of things: cheating over trade-in prices of family houses to get a sale in a managed retirement leasehold block; drawing up the most onerous leases in the entire property market; exit fees on sales; fiddling the service charges and bogus tendering over suppliers etc.

Sadly, all well attested in court cases and these abuses have undermined this sector of the property market.

Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation wants to see a successful, dynamic retirement accommodation market. But not one with such an imbalance of powers as we see today.

But this is to strike a dark note. If the EAC awards are a genuine expression of residents’ plaudits, then it is congratulations all round.

Please email sok@leaseholdknowledge.comwith your views.


The 2013 finalists, all awards winners:

The winners of the bronze, silver and gold awards in each category will be announced at the Awards celebration on 24 Sep 2013.

  • Berryhill Village, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, managed by The ExtraCare Charitable Trust
  • Bishop House, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, managed by South Essex Homes
  • Blackett Ord Court, Royston, Herts, managed by Housing 21
  • Broadway House, Sandhurst, Berkshire, managed by Bracknell Forest Homes
  • College House, Whetstone, Leicestershire, managed by Three Oaks Homes
  • Davidson Villa, Nairn, Nairnshire, managed by Abbeyfield Scotland Ltd
  • Fowler Court, Chelmsford, Essex, managed by Genesis Housing Association
  • Glovershotts, Chelmsford, Essex, managed by CHP
  • Goode Court, Lydney, Gloucestershire, managed by Housing 21
  • Hardy’s Court, Weymouth, Dorset, managed by Peverel Retirement
  • Kingsley Court, London, Middlesex, managed by Willow Housing & Care
  • Lisbon Place, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, managed by Housing 21
  • Mulligan Court, Dundee, managed by Caledonia Housing Association
  • Northfields House, Newcastle upon Tyne, managed by Isos Housing Ltd
  • Oakwood Lodge, Willenhall, West Midlands, managed by Midland Heart
  • Queensridge Court, Oldbury, West Midlands, managed by Housing 21
  • Rockhaven Court, Bolton, managed by McCarthy & Stone Management Services Ltd
  • Roman Ridge, Sheffield, managed by Sanctuary Care
  • Runnymede Court, Stockport, Cheshire, managed by Equity Housing Group
  • School Court, Hednesford, Staffordshire, managed by The ExtraCare Charitable Trust
  • St Julian’s House, Omagh, Tyrone, managed by Apex Housing Association
  • The Pavilions, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, managed by Axiom Housing Association Ltd
  • Trafford House, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, managed by South Essex Homes
  • Vinnicombe Court, Ipswich, Suffolk, managed by Housing 21
  • West End Road, St Helens, Merseyside, managed by Helena Partnerships
  • William House, Leicester, managed by Wyggeston’s Hospital


  1. Is there any possibility for the Retirement Leasehold Industry to stoop any lower by staging this type of hype for their awards ceremony?

  2. michael hollands says

    The results are in and Peverels Hardy Court Weymouth has won the Silver Award for its catagory.
    These awards are approved by the Dept of Communities & Local Government and the award logo can be displayed for 2 years.
    For anyone wanting to live the “Life of Riley” , in this complex there is one 2 Bed and three 1 beds at present for sale with the management fee at around £40 /week.
    If there are any Hardy`s Court residents reading this news can they put a comment on here to share with us their lifestyle..

  3. Michael Epstein says

    “I didn’t think anyone expected to be even shortlisted for an award. It’s a lovely achievement for everyone here” Madge Mathews Hardy’s Court ,Weymouth.
    So, you are asked to play a card game, which you are told the results will be confidential.
    Naturally you ask why you should take part? You are told it is to improve customer service and if the results are good enough your development will be up for an award. This is good as clearly having an award could increase the value of the property.
    Even under these circumstances, according to Madge she still didn’t expect Hardy’s Court to be even “shortlisted for an award”
    So Madge, what was it about Hardy’s Court that made it such a surprise?
    Anyway Madge, I am glad you had such a wonderful day out in Birmingham ( i bet not many people have said that!)
    It is a shame that the good folk at Ferndown Grange could not share in your big day.
    They were trapped for 5 weeks in their flats due to a broken lift.
    Lucky, they didn’t win the award. How embarrassing to announce the “winners cannot be here today to collect their award as they are stuck in their flat because of a broken lift!”