February 19, 2025

The grass is greedier … with the Flagship Housing Association


The Flagship Housing Association is accused of racking up maintenance fees for grass cutting by 150 per cent at Danforth Close, Framlingham, in Suffolk.

Diana Cook, 69, says she and other residents at the 12-flat block will be paying £150 each a year – up from £40 at present.

Maintaining the grounds will risen from £473.40 to £1,796.05 each year.

“That’s well over a £1,000 increase each year,” Mrs Cook is quoted as telling the East Anglian Daily Times. “That’s a lot of difference from £40 a year.

“I have asked them what are we paying for here and they don’t want to know.

“We still don’t know what we are paying for. They aren’t answering the phones or letters.”

A spokesman for the Flagship Housing Association is quoted in the paper saying that it is an estimate of service charges, and the true cost may be different.

It has written to Mrs Cooke to explain the situation.

Do any Campaign against retirement leasehold exploitation readers have experience of the Flagship Housing Association?


  1. Michael Epstein says

    All That money to cut grass? Sounds like a possible case of money lawndering to me! If you can i would turf them out asap!

    • Michael,
      The French for Cut the Grass is “Mow de Lawn”
      Another develoment where a “Cu de Gras has become difficult to entwine.

      Having said that MA are always looking for the Grass being Greener?

  2. Michael Epstein says

    I wonder if the maintenance contract has been awarded to RFT Services, who are part of the Flagship group of companies?