January 16, 2025

Aliens abduct Peverel web site?

We were unsure if Peverel’s web site had been hacked or been abducted by aliens when we read their article dated 1st October (April?). The article supports the Scottish Factors Act which has just come into force. Factors are Scotland’s equivalent of Managing agents.

You can read the Peverel press release here.These are Peverel’s recommendations::

“Peverel Scotland has suggested residents follow a checklist when looking to appoint or verify a factor:

  • Always make sure an Estate Manager is on hand to speedily resolve issues and help carry out general site maintenance
  • Insist you’re provided with detailed accounts and balance sheets, which clearly highlight the management fee and any commissions
  • Ensure they carry out regular insurance revaluations so you’re not over or underinsured
  • Check their credit rating at Companies House and look for undisclosed associated companies and directorships – including maintenance, cleaning and credit control companies – with potential conflicts of interest”

We would like to hear from any English Peverel customer who believes they receive the services Peverel recommend for their Scottish customers.

We would also like to hear from any customer of Peverel Scotland wanting to tell us they are always provided with accounting information on time, given the details of all commissions paid on any contract, or that there are no related party companies providing services to their sites.


  1. A Reviewer says

    Hi all

    well just four points:

    a) occasionally one can get hold of a bottom end person. but generally they fail to say or do anything useful. tho i have to say i saw a note on our book to say that peverel hold a document from the unregistered spark that erected lights that do NOT meet the building regulations to say that they do. said spark is not qualified to make such a judgment

    b) the electricity commission of some 40% has never been declared … nor have any contributions to overhead refunded by said spark made their presence

    c) well now we have an insurance company that does its own valuations … lets see if we get charged again this year.

    d) OUCH. don’t touch with bargepole comes up a lot. and we are still paying £20 per hour for a cleaner and £40 per hour to said spark for changing light bulbs – which now retail at £120. led racks which still use quite a lot of power – tho less than before … but we are STILL on the expensive white meter tariff.

    oh well same as ever …. what they say and what they do eh …. and that lovely song from gilbert and sullivan …Yes is but a neater and nicer form of no !

    happy days

    • Trevor Bradley says

      I have no connection to Peverel or any other of it’s 100s of other named offshoots and fortunately I have never owned/rented a flat from them, thank god. I can’t believe the number of times I have seen posts that suggest or confirm that they charge more for the electric than what they pay for it. As per Ofgem Website – Since 2003, The maximum amount landlords or “resellers” are permitted to charge for domestic use of gas or electricity is the amount they have paid for it, plus VAT at the appropriate rate’ (currently 5%). Anyone who charges more than this can face civil proceedings etc etc

      • The loophole is probably that electricity for communal lighting, air conditioning etc. is not “domestic”. I can confirm that we have been charged a “contribution to overhead” on electricity in our block by OM, which is to say that the supplier charged us premium and then rebated this to OM.

        • Trevor Bradley says

          Hi OMhostage, if you are right about that “loophole” then it is a disgrace. Surely even electricity supplied to communal areas in these type of properties is still for “Domestic” use, i.e. used by “the residents”. If you have been charged more than the suppliers sale price I would put the question to Ofgem for an official reply.